Spiritual Direction
Listening with a holy ear.
FIND students are not required to choose a track of study until midway through the three-year program. Information about the two areas is provided in course work and with faculty/director consultations.
A spiritual director tends to work one-on-one or with a specific group of people toward their individual relationship with God. It is a ministry of listening with a holy ear. A director may companion another individual for a short time or for years along their spiritual walk. A director also may serve congregations with programming, retreats, workshops, etc., on issues of faith and spirituality.
Direction track students are required to have a directee during the third year and will learn peer supervision from a qualified instructor and with classmates on the track.
A student who chooses this path will have all the same curriculum as formation track students except for eight hours of peer supervision practicum during class times.
Helping people to experience new ways of relating to God.
A spiritual formation leader tends to work in ministries that help people experience new ways of relating to God through workshops, quiet days, and other educational events, but not as a director or guide for individuals.
Formation track students are required to envision, plan and conduct a formation project prior to graduation. This work is overseen by a faculty member and approved by the director.
A student who chooses this path will have the same curriculum as the direction track students except for eight hours of planning and faculty consultation on specific class days.